oh POO!!

A blog mainly about poo-
I am blessed to be in a long line of women with really great bowels. I mean- I feel constipated when I have not poo'd that day or if I even have only poo'd once. Right after I had baby E they tried to give me a stool softener and I laughed- I refused! I know lots of women are scared of the first BM after birth, however, I know myself and knew it wouldn't be an issue. I knew if I took that little orange pill I would not only go, but have issues stopping! (Exactly what every woman wants after she has a baby right?!?) One of my closest friends has the exact opposite problem she has to take miralax almost daily to be "regular" and by regular I mean kinda sorta-not really all that regular. (She will kill me if she ever reads this blog and sees that I am talking about her pooing habbits on the internet-however, she doesn't consistently read my blog so I think we are okay!) When we were growing up every time I would go to her house (which was daily) I would poo and I think it was just to show her that I could and that she couldn't- it was not on purpose, I just had to go then! But we used to joke about that a lot.
Anyway- her little girl poos a ton! Like has explosive poo through her diapers, onto outfits, ect. I feel bad for the amount of laundry that causes however I find the humor in it because this because it is almost like she is saying "look what I can do mommy!" This kid also has a huge amount of personality so it adds to the humor of it when she is sweetly smiling and laughing at you when she does it!
So yesterday it happened! My sweet baby E shared with me that she also has this talent. I was nursing her and started to grab her to burp her then I smelled it... my response was to look sweetly into my little girls eyes and say "My you are a smelly child" and then I FELT IT!!! I have no idea how I avoided getting it all over me or all over the boppy I was using, but there it was... poo seeping up her back.
Thank GOODNESS I remembered to snap a pick before I changed her! I mean you have to document the first blow out right?!?
Look at that little peanut and her poo covered backside. Cute huh? Well I guess we can assume baby E won't having pooing problems either. Welcome to the family kid!
And just another quick pic (not of poo)
Two weeks old and she is already rocking the fist pump! Girls got attitude.

We had E's 2 week check up tuesday. She was 6lbs 15oz which still isn't back to birth weight. They were not super thrilled about that. So now I am suppose to be feeding her every 2 hours during the day. Which I am trying hard to do. I think that and the fact I am pumping 30mins after I feed her so I can go see Harry Potter without her tonight (Thanks Dan!) make me more of a cow than a mom. But that's okay. I would do anything for that sweet fist pumping baby girl (and for the freedom to go see HP tonight) so all the time spend milking is totally worth it. Moo!
I also need to go get her TSC labs drawn at mercy...I'm kinda being a chicken about it though. I know I stick other peoples kids all the time, but it makes me sad that she is gonna have to get stuck. (They better not miss!-okay I'm not going to be THAT parent...but she has a great vein in her foot that I could hit with my eyes closed..and another in her scalp that is the same-so seriously I would appreciate if they don't miss. I guess I have to get the nerve to take her to get it done first.)
Well I guess that is all for now. (Its time to feed her anyway-shocking!)

Love, La
So I know I promised to post our professional pics...however, I am having trouble loading them. So they will have to wait until I figure out what the issue is.


  1. hahaha. you crack me up :) I have the same problem or blessing as you. i also laughed when they tried to give me the pill even after a csection i knew i wouldnt have issues! arent blow outs fun?? ;)

  2. My bro-in-law actually calls me a "heifer." He's in animal science ;) I'm glad we can be cows together. It's totally awesome! And BTW, they didn't offer me that little orange pill after my c-section in SA. I guess they don't have pooing issues in SA. Must be where we gals are from? haha!


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